​Our Mission:
To transform community by educating, inspiring, and mobilizing through the restorative vibration of string instruments; the experience liberates and lifts the spirit.
Let the Strings Speak (LTSS) is a celebration of African American and Diaspora performing arts and culture; to use arts and culture to address a community need and build community. The goal through this initiative is to foster opportunities for greater exposure to string instruments as creative vehicles for self-expression.
Represented as a community outreach project, LTSS presents yearly performances and educational events at Seattle’s Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute. These events nurture occasions to experience Black and Brown culture through the sound of string instruments. We believe the strings tell a story of unity, creating a model for what we hope to see in our diverse communities. Contained within this diversity is a multigenerational audience who receives the benefit of supporting and being supported by a feeling of collaboration. Our participating Black and Brown youth experience mentoring through the care of seasoned artists, who bring their own culture and diverse backgrounds to the mix.